The Birdcage (1996)
Originally it was a French theatre comedy show in the 1970's
17 June 2003 became an Italo-French movie "Le Cage aux Follie" in 1978 with Ugo Tognazzi and Michel Serrault , written by French and Italian script writers (Edouardo Molinaro and Marcello Danon), .......but to see in 1997 a book in a English Bookstore of the American version of the film written by two Americans , made me wonder if

copyright laws had been respected ??? It was originally written by a French playwriter way back in the late 1960' mention of him at all,........ even though the American version(Birdcage) and the Italo-French version are identical even in the dialogue ! It's all right to make remakes of European films(which are always bad copies), but at least the rights of the original authors should be respected !

Comment on this version : a good film, but with a script like that, it couldn't go wrong !!!

Cheers (from a European spoilsporter),

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