Something So Right (1996–1998)
Something So Stupid
16 July 2001
I remember seeing a few episodes of this show and then realized: "These things are terrible." Rather than your normal sitcom which has a few different plots going on at once to keep you interested, just about every episode has one small plot dragging on and the next episode is a slight change from the previous one. Jack is just annoying as an stress, overworked, and overprotective father and Carly's even worse, I mean how many good jokes can you get out of having three marriages?(They even recycle a few) None of the kids add much to the show, except Nicole whose around mostly as "eye candy", and the exes provide most of the comedy relief to the main characters who just aren't very funny. Includes a really bad "Xena" parody played by Jack's ex-wife, Stephanie. I do not recommend this trash in the least, but that hasn't stopped people from discovering the disaster that was "Something So Right."
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