Strange Days (1995)
Never seen it? Neither has anyone else. But you should.
3 July 1999
I picked this up at the video store because I was bored and couldn't find anything else to rent. I had no idea that it was produced and written by James Cameron until the credits rolled.

But by then I was already convinced that Strange Days was a brillant success at combining true science fiction (society's reaction to technology) and emotional contact.

The first 20 minutes aren't great. It seems fairly atypical until about midway through. Maybe that's why it never really hit big. But the end is an unpredictable ride of fantastic cinema that conveys the chaos that surrounds the year 2000.

It deals with several issues (race, addiction) intelligently and without getting sloppy or campy.

It *should* be a classic, but unfortunately will probably go down as an underdog that barks in the shadow of Titanic.
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