A beautiful movie about honor, honesty, and courage.
19 June 1999
This movie is about honor, courage, and honesty.

It is beautiful in many ways, including scenery and the typically French passion for precision of meaning in language.

However, its greatest beauty is its display of honor and how it guides the lives of the protagonists, Angelo and Pauline, and directs the unfolding of the story.

The epilogue suggests that Pauline's husband is also a man of honor.

Such subject matter is particularly appreciated by Americans, who in the past decade have been sickened by widespread dishonor in public officials, journalists, and the intelligensia. When honor, honesty, and courage are openly scorned and ridiculed, and deceit and intimidation are openly accepted, a movie which displays the value, importance, and magnificence of honor, honesty, and integrity, and shows them so beautifully, is thrilling and reassuring.
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