Could have used a little work...
10 January 2000
The movie, Deadly Invasion: The Killer Bee Nightmare lacked a lot in the way of entertainment. That is unless you really like bees, which I don't. The bees seemed more intelligent than the main characters which is your first clue of where the movie is headed. If the purpose of this movie was to raise my awareness of the migration of Killer Bees or to alert the viewer of the danger, it fell much too short. I wasn't frightened at all nor alarmed in the least little bit. <yawn>

The only thing I can say about the movie is the actors did the best they could with what they had. Dennis Christopher (Beauchamp) was the only colorful character on the show but he appeared for only a few minutes and his prophecies of doom were totally rushed over and ignored. Dennis Christopher presented yet another wonderful performance in a movie unworthy of his talents. Too bad they didn't feature the film around Beauchamp instead of the local residents - DC might have been able to save it.

Other than that you can be grateful at least that the spoiled boys got what they deserved in the end.

Most favored quote of the movie: Dennis Christopher calling the waitress Darlin' with a bit of southern drawl.
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