Dead Weekend (1995 TV Movie)
I felt dead watching it.
7 March 2000
This movie drained the energy right out of me the moment it came on and never let up until it was over. I really should have just turned it off. Not that I had much anticipation of this movie being any good in the first place, but the possibility of some steamy T&A lured me in. How stupid was I. This has to be one of the lowest budget movies I've ever seen and will probably ever see. Low-budget doesn't necessarily dictate a bad movie, but Dead Weekend is one of the countless bombs people wonder how they got made in the first place.

Although this movie is being sold as a sci-fi adventure all it really amounts to is a low-budget T&A romp through wasteland. The story and cast are horrible with Stephen Baldwin obviously taking this on as a quick paycheck. Believe me when I say everything about this movie is bad beyond belief. Perhaps the ugliest part is even the T&A can't save this mess of a film.
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