Sorceress (1995)
this flicks *ahem* lopsided
16 October 2003
Let me preface this by saying the only reason i gave this flick a shot was because I like Jim Wynorski, The director. That said, this isn't one of his better movies. Sure it has the high breast count thing going for it. And Jim DOES like his obligatory gratuitous shower scenes. But this tale of a guy's wife (Julie Strain) who dies & might or might not be haunting him is merely passable fare. Linda Blair hams it up, especially towards the end. On a final note, I ALWAYS hate endings like this one has.

Where i saw it: Showtime-on-demand

My Grade: C+

Eye Candy: I lost count, but Joe Bob Briggs said there's 27 breasts, so i defer to the master
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