Bad Stuff
16 September 2000
This movie is so very bad... The first Red Scorpion wasn't exactly A list material, but this is bad... I can't stress that enough. At least the original had Dolph, this one has nothing worthy.

I personally don't like stupid action movies. You know the kind - the bad guys are firing AK-47's from an enclosed building and one of the main characters rolls on the ground over and over taking them out with a handgun never getting hit. That's the definition of a stupid action movie and Red Scorpion 2 fits that description to a tee. Now of course I believe in order to enjoy action films you must put your mind on hold and you're willing to forget certain aspects of logic in pursuit of entertainment, but Red Scorpion 2 goes way overboard.

The movie also carries that obligatory training scene like many action films do, but I don't care how many hours of mercenary training you have you can't jump bullets and have 100% accuracy with firearms. It just gets so tiring to watch a puny runt take out men armed to the bone with a few shots of his gun while they spray thousands of rounds of ammunition at him and somehow defying laws of physics seem to constantly miss. Red Scorpion 2 is a shining example of how not to make a good action movie. It's got no story, the characters are devoid of life and there's no real action.
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