A very odd tale of Mormons and aliens!
24 March 2002
I almost left this one on the shelf after scanning the lousy packaging which really gives you very little indication of what this strange little movie is really like. And while I am as much of an Ed Wood fan as the next guy, this movie has absolutely NOTHING to do with his nutty sci fi movies. It is its own kind of nutty sci fi, and any attempt to link it with 'Plan Nine' is misleading.

'Plan 10 from Outer Space' is an eccentric comedy involving a bizarre relationship between Mormons, bees and extra terrestrials. Shot on an obviously miniscule budget with a largely unknown cast, save for b-grade queen Karen Black, this is the perfect example of an inventive and original script outshining technical shortcomings. I look forward to seeing more from writer/director Trent Harris if this is any indication of his bent vision. I was also impressed by lead actress Stefene Russell, who displays a strong comic talent and is hell cute to boot. I hope she gets more screen work in the near future.
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