Fatherland (1994 TV Movie)
Interesting 'what-if' film with older Hitler
16 March 2002
This film is just about worth watching, containing interesting graphics which are somewhat similar to Ridley Scott's Gladiator (2000), not-to-mention numerous computer games on classical civilisations.

Both films recall the famous/infamous film director Leni Riefenstahl, and her shots of the Nuremburg rallies, with lots of classical buildings and shots of eagles and other imagery. This time, in Fatherland, there is the monumental and gigantic Hall of the People, actually planned in real-life by the Reich architect Albert Speer. It is here rendered rather well on film, actually quite convincingly, and is suitably ubiquitous throughout the entire film. Rutger Hauer can even see it from his bedroom window.

Rutger Hauer is adequate in his role as the sort of 'good' SS officer, but Miranda Richardson is just boring as the American journalist.

The film really only works on the level of style, with all the different pictures of what Hitler would've looked like in 1963 while about to meet President 'Joe' Kennedy (the father of JFK). Plus all the paraphenalia of Nazi rule and society, with symbols everywhere, etc. It's really quite convincing and presumably realistic. They loved their symbols, those Nazis.

The plot is rubbish, however. Really it amounts to finding some pictures which suggest that there was a holocaust - then everyone in the photos is eliminated, one-by-one. Then it ends.

Still worth watching.
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