Not as bad as you might expect ...
31 January 2000
Dangerous Touch can be summed up as follows: Dean Wormer's kid has grown up into a radio psychologist. Richie Valens seduces her for only one reason - to blackmail her into giving up some privileged patient information that will enable him to eliminate WoJo, who plays a powerful crime boss that cost Richie Valens three years in the hoosegow. She won't play along, so all the gangsters start messing each other over and messing her over, and Richie Valens even has to battle the Wishmaster at one point.

Anyway, the flick fulfills both halves of its erotic thriller responsibilities. The erotica is fairly hot action among recognizable people, and the movie has enough twists and turns that I watched it at regular speed and was never tempted to fast forward to the next sex scene. Richie Valens actually directed and wrote it as well! A real Orson Welles, that boy. Well, it really isn't half bad. It's not Casablanca, but Richie did was he was supposed to do for the genre. He did a lot better than Ponyboy did wearing the same three hats for "Hourglass". Unfortunately, I had to bump it down mentally to no stars because Richie never sang "La Bamba", WoJo never had coffee with Fish, Wishmaster never granted one twisted wish, and Wormer's kid never took the Deltas off double secret probation.
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