entertaining. Nothing more, nothing less.
30 September 2002
Firstly I Have to admit that I watched 'The Bride With White Hair' while I was drunk. That said, it wasn't as entertaining as it should have been for saying how drunk I was.

The 'story' concerns a wimpy, yet hard as nails wu-tang disciple, who is the hot headed heir to the clan (the clan is also the strongest of all the 8 clans and therefore orders them about). Their main rivals are a black magic type clan lead by a pair of crazy (and incestuous?) Siamese twins. One is a screechy annoying girl the other a moany, yet crazy man. Their chief assassin falls in love with wu-tang man and that love eventually turns her into the titular 'Bride With White Hair' (albeit very late into the film). People withstand internal injuries and limb loss with aplomb and get decapitated at the drop of a hat (sorry). Reading back it sounds more interesting than it actually is. It takes a while to get going, everything is very dark and the story doesn't always make sense. The wire work isn't the best and the actual fights are mediocre. The score is O.K but I saw the dub and the voices were the typical screechy charicature's that occasionally mar this genre.

The bride with white hair is many things, but it certainly isnt the classic many consider it to be. It's a decent watch and things rattle along at a fair pace (often at a detriment to the plot. You often get the feeling half an hour was left on the editing floor). With so many better examples of the sword and sorcery genre currently flooding out of Hong Kong, I would advise you hunt yourself out a classic elsewhere. You wont be missing that much. I also half expected this to be a tacky cat III exploitathon, given the title (and the fact that unless you are Michelle Yeoh, a woman lead in HK cinema pretty much means one thing), but to its credit, it remained smut free and the love scenes were genuinely part of the narrative and not at all added in for pure titillation.

Im just glad my ex-girlfriends didn't do that when I dumped them ;-)
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