Peak Practice (1993–2002)
17 May 1999
I've been watching 'Peak Practice' for quite a while now and make it a point to never miss it. What I like most about this serial is its realistic and sensitive probing into the psyche of the doctors and the patients..It portrays life in all its ups and downs, sometimes exhilarating, sometimes cruel..The performances are first rate..Adrian Lukis is absolutely charming and Saskia Wickham is excellent as Errika Matthews, you can't help identifying with her character -she evokes a lot of empathy. What I like most about the serial is the balance the director has achieved in portraying life from both the doctor's and patient's perspective. The plight of the patients in each of the episodes is conveyed realistically. Though a tearjerker, 'Peak Practice' is one of the most touching serials I've seen..With it's beautiful country setting(the serial is set in Derbyshire) it makes a statement for the bitter-sweet life in a very English coutryside...but with stories that are universal and emotions common to all humanity... Check it out
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