Review of Reservoir Dogs

Worth watching
23 December 2003
This is Tarantino's first major film, and is worth watching for the dialogue alone.

It is interesting to compare this film with Pulp Fiction, which in my opinion was much better directed. Even in reservoir Dogs, the plot is very tight, and we see Tarantino's favourite technique of changing the chronological order of scenes for maximum impact.

The careful viewer shall notice lapses in direction, such as the orangeness/redness of hours old blood, instead of the reddish brown that it becomes. Occasionally, the scenes seem a little loose, but all the ingredients of a good film are there. The acting is not bad at all, and one shall not be disappointed there.

If possible, one should obtain the DVD version that has the deleted scenes. These scenes, though well done in themselves, would have made this above average film a commonplace one. It is easy to see that the difference between a good director and a bad one, is often in the scenes that were left out in the final cut.

A fitting beginning to the Tarantino oeuvre.
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