Review of V.I. Warshawski

A dreadful movie
10 July 2000
I saw this movie ONCE, in 1991 when it was released, and it stunk so bad that 9 years later I STILL remember it and am returning to have my revenge. Particularly cringeworthy are the opening shots where Turner is talking to some butcher about various problems with males, or her boyfriend, or whatever, while the background is literally a curtain of hanging sausages. Not a little too blatant on the symbolism there. Then after listening to V I complain about being ogled while jogging, the camera rests lovingly on her bare, pumping legs while she is, um well, out jogging -- allowing the audience to condemn lowbrow sexuality one moment and indulge in it the next. Finally, the director found it necessary to show all the disgusting closeup details of V I's elderly refrigerator contents, after Turner's carefully filmed gasp of repulsion upon opening the door, not even trusting the audience enough to let them imagine it for themselves.

All in all, an irritating waste of Kathleen Turner's talents and my time. I haven't given this the full and eloquent blasting it deserves and has received from other IMDb commenters, but it WAS 9 years ago and time blessedly blunts the details.

As an addendum, let me say that while reviewer Marinelle K. Szenasy (see below) may have liked the film, she's totally off base in attributing its critical panning to men's "fear" of VI's character. I get very tired of crappily-constructed female characters being excused on the basis of offending male biases. It is possible for tough female characters to be both well written and appealing-- see e.g. Pulp Fiction -- and I applaud those whenever they appear. Sorry, Ms. Szenasy, you'll have to come up with a better excuse than that for this dreck.

A 2 on the star-o-meter.
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