Salute Your Shorts (1991–1992)
Memorable show about summer camp...
7 July 2003
"Salute Your Shorts" (SYS) began with all the stereotypical characters. It became something else entirely. With inspired mayhem like a visit from Ug's horrific niece to a capture the flag game gone "Apocalypse Now," SYS is a sister show to "Hey Dude" - somewhat realistic, but always funny. The use of classical music (such as Tchaichovsky's "Marche Slave") as a soundtrack in many places gives the show a nice ironic, surreal feel that current Nick comedies sorely lack.

Fave Eps

Capture the Flag - Very cool spoofs of many war movies. Go Donkey Lips and ZeeZee!

Wrestling Team - Seeing Donkey Lips and Sponge trying to make the team is hilarious and heartwarming, too.

A night at the movies - A change of setting means cinema based hilarity.
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