WAIT! Don't let the rating fool you!
23 May 1999
This filmed version of a stage play (Why didn't they just film it directly to video from the Buenos Aires stage?) has very limited appeal. The user rating is a clear example of how 5 or so voters can achieve whatever rating they desire for a film. Granted CIEN VECES NO DEBO stars Argentina's greatest stars; obviously it was a smash comedy hit at home. However, as an admirer of Norma Aleandro, Federico Luppi and co., not to mention the country's culture in general, even I was shocked at what I saw when my VCR started playing this mindless, banale sitcom. Proving she can survive anything, only Norma Aleandro's campiness (as self-parody), and her outrageous costumes were of any notice. We already know Argentinian society and morality is very backwards by Western standards,(the economy and political situation even more so), so for those of us who love the country anyway, why remind us? Keep unsightly laundry hidden at home.
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