Counterstrike (1990–1993)
Fond memories...
5 January 2004
The USA network has put out quite a few clunkers over the years, more than a cable channel of this type should be entitled to, but Counterstrike was one of their few, shining successes. I remember being 13 when this was on, and staying up until midnight so I could watch it. I think it was on Wednesdays (school night), and my father would always tell me that it was too late to be up watching TV, but I would beg and insist that I had to see it.

Ok, so most of the time I didn't really follow those complex, international-intrigue plots, but the whole premise of this rich guy that had his own Justice Squad to stomp out evil... It was just totally cool to see such a heroic good vs. evil action show that was gritty and believable and set in the modern era. It gave it such realism to address big business, corrupt politicians, terrorism and other real-life evils. For once, we had a hero show that didn't rely on gimmicky costumes or over-the-top villains or some imaginary "Gotham" as the funky parallel to the modern world because the show wasn't bold enough to address real issues. At the same time it had the "Touch of USA Network," but finally in a *good* way: slight overacting, serviceable amounts of blood and explosions, and just enough, uh, "adult situations" to make it perfect after-hours fare. If "Counterstrike" were on today it would certainly and sadly earn a PG-14, its morals and messages not permitted to reach the audience that badly needs to know them. This show had such a mature angle on idealism. Like 'America's Most Wanted,' it was born out of one anguished person taking a stand against cruel deeds to try to better the world.

"We must fight evil. No matter where, no matter when. No matter the cost."

This was a brave, proud series that I and many others would love to own on DVD.
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