When He's Not a Stranger (1989 TV Movie)
Not just another rape movie
29 December 2001
When you see the title of the movie and read the synopsis you would think that this would be another one of those lifetime type movies where the woman doesn't get raped until the middle of the movie and the rest of the movie is about her crying and whimpering until she goes to court and tries to convict him within the last 5 minutes.

Well, I decided to watch on because it was summer time and nothing was on. I remembered seeing Lyn's friend in a movie on lifetime called "Gone in the Night" and I know Annabeth Gish from "The X Files" and "Desert Bloom." I'm glad that I watched it because it was incredibly enjoyable.

Annabeth Gish plays Lyn McKenna and she is going to a good college, I believe on a scholarship. Her best friend also goes to school with her and is going out with a popular jock. One night she meets up with the man at his dorm because she thinks that her friend Melaine is going to be there. But it turns out that he had set all of this up just so that he could rape her. She goes to the school but they don't believe her. And the football coach and his team scheme to set her up so that the football player doesn't take the fall. But even with all of these elements against her, she fights.

The movie could have been an absolute disaster. But to my surprise it was very good. The story was very believable and fun to watch. I'm glad that she didn't turn away and the whole movie wasn't about her crying over what had happened to. It really showed you how women in rape cases are treated. Them being called stupid by the cops. Being asked what they wore on that night and practically blamed for something that really wasn't their fault to begin with.

Annabeth Gish is a wonderful actress. She shined in her first real movie which was "Desert Bloom" and really made me care about the character that she played. She is one of the only actresses that I know that can cry and really seem like she's crying. The guy who raped her who's name is unknown by me also did a great job. And Lyn's male friend was also a great actor even though he strikes me as looking like a grade a creep.

Don't take this movie as being some kind of lifetime rip-off. It actually has something to offer you and isn't boring either. There are also some surprising
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