The Rainbow (1989)
Merchant and Ivory Do Cinemax
25 April 2003
This plays like a Cinemax Saturday Night Special, with Merchant and Ivory production values. I watched it for one reason and one reason only: to see what Amanda Donohoe of "L.A. Law" fame did when she wasn't playing an Australian-Accented lawyer named C.J. on TV. After sitting through this soft core dreck, now I know: making soft core dreck.

Sammi Davis (the "actress"--not to be confused with the one-eyed Rat Pack dude) plays the giggling coming-of-age gal who falls for this soldier guy and finds pleasure under the moon and near a waterfall. If you're into expository walks through flowery gardens and scenes that remind you of a low-budget cross between "Emma" and "Pink Floyd's The Wall", this flick's for you.

But you know, I'm the kind of guy who falls for low-budget crosses between "Emma" and "The Wall". I mean, Amanda Donohoe is no Susan Dey, and Sammi Davis is no J-Lo, and D.H. Lawrence is no Anais Nin, but I'm a sucker for croquet, sex and badminton. If it wasn't for the croquet, sex and badminton--this would get a 1. With it, it gets a 6. No wait, I just checked to see what Sammi Davis' most recent movie was: something called "Soft Toilet Seats". I'm going to have to cut this down to a 5. Even with the badminton.
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