Somtow's Laughing Dead - the cult begins HERE!
12 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen a lot of films, including some of the more legendarily poor ones. But this, an alternative-stylee poor film, is infinitely worse than anything that I have ever seen in my entire life.

I am not going to spoil it for you, but the end will make you think that you are under the influence of some form of halluconogenic substance. Not the frequently-mentioned baskebtall match, but there is another element that beggars belief, more so than any single event in any other film ever.

There is so much that can be said about this film, but I'm going to keep it brief. If you can find it, get it. It is so bad it's pricelessly funny. I have been trawling the bad film archives for awhile now, and nothing can top this.

Even if you have never delved into bad films before, try renting this, and prepare for the time of your life. It might sound like a hollow recommendation coming from one small man on the internet out there somewhere, but I guarantee when more people see this film, it will become a legendarily cult bad film, in the same way 'Troll 2' and 'Manos' are now. It deserves that status, but isn't popular enough, so I implore all bad horror fans and good comedy fans alike to search out this film and give it an opportunity, since it will change the way you view films forever.

I've tried to omit spoiler content, because I fear that extended spoilers may ruin the fun! So go out, take a chance (just this once!) and pick up a copy of 'The Laughing Dead'.

I guarantee you won't regret it, and I don't know what further guarantee I can give than that.
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