One of a few gem-movies which are true to my experience
31 May 2001
Setting visuals and music aside - true personalities inhabit this film. No wait. Sumptuous feast of visuals and music. Back to the characters. I knew both personally and closely the boorish husband and his refined wife depicted in this movie. I even know why she married him - succumbed to his persistency and her own romantic fantasies of being won by a daring suitor. Twenty years later – habitual marriage in which he repeats the same tried and trite maxims and periodically reminds her and her friends who is her master, while she habitually contemplates suicide and longs for a high spirited lover to rescue her from mundane life in the burbs. Sorry `Georgina', couldn't help you. Nobody but yourself can.

So much for romantic fantasies… Which incidentally do often lead to `romantic' murder, but that's another story.

9/10 - the real Albert is a bit craftier (has to be). I can assure you, my reader, from her perspective there is not a shred of emotional exaggeration in this movie.
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