Review of Zeisters

Zeisters (1986)
Agony personified
18 April 2000
Abandon hope all ye who enter here. This may well be one of the worst movies of any notoriety I've ever had the misfortune to see. The wacky title may pique your curiosity, but make no mistake...this film isn't "so bad it's good", it's just irredeemably awful and stultifyingly dull. It's overloaded with long stretches of *nothing* where you pray that something, *anything* even slightly interesting might happen, but it doesn't. Apparently, someone thought this was a "comedy", but I fail to see anything in it that anyone with a brain might find funny, even unintentionally. I wasn't offended by any of it, I was too bored to be offended. The one bright spot in this horrible film is the mesmerizing acoustic-guitar soundtrack by Leo Kottke. Skip this horrible film, and buy Kottke's _6 and 12 String Guitar_ CD instead, you'll be glad you did.
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