Spinal Tap in a Gym
15 March 2000
I managed to catch this movie on cinemax or something one day at a weird time. It is awful (in a very addictive, bad 80's movie type of way) for the following reasons:

1) See Rachel McLish (sp?), the most self centered, arrogant egotist in the world caught on film talking about the Bible and Jesus constantly while she uses sex to win judges' votes. This woman is just too bizarre for words.

2) See some poor steroid addled woman talk about how she is redefining feminity with her huge (and I mean gigantic) manly shape and facial acne (no doubt caused by excessive use of steroids)!

3) See bad 80's workout gear! :o

3) See the touching supportive relationship between one of these women (name forgotten) whose husband works as a male dancer to support her budding bodybuilding career!

There is so much wrong with this movie you just can't tear yourself away (sort of like watching a car accident in progress). Particularly amusing is the combination workout/shower scene with Rachel and her "posse" - it verges on soft porn.

But in the end you realize just how sad all of these women are, and you try to stop laughing - though it doesn't work. It really is Spinal Tap in a Gym. I thought the movie was a comedy when I first started watching it.
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