Say Hello To My Little Creature....
4 January 2002
Sasquatch...Yeti...Beowulf...Little Creature?

Is it fitting to say that "The Barbaric Beast of Boggy Creek, Part II" is as much a part of horror legend as his better-known brothers? No, but it's good to say for a laugh.

After some documentary-style flair in the original "Boggy" feature, Charles B. Pierce bogs down (get it?) in a film that anyone with a broken camcorder and smeared lenses could make..oh, and no script.

Instead of a plot we get pretension, and loads of it! Pierce drags two chicks and his shirtless wonder assistant (i.e. - son of the director) into the bogs and swamps of Lose-iana to find the "Beast" of the title. After many stupid stories they find the big, greasy Crenshaw who holds a dark, greasy secret out in his barn....

Oh, why continue? Mike Nelson and Little Mechanical Creatures put this lame beast out of its misery and hopefully discourage Pierce from any further filming endeavors.


One star (in apology to Louisiana) for TBBOBCP2, seven stars for the MST3K version.

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