Compelling allegedly true psychodrama.
12 May 2002
'Brainwash', purported to be factual, is a fascinating look at a group of white collar co-workers who sign up for a retreat that is supposed to involve an executive training course run by their boss Yvette Mimieux ('The Time Machine'). What it turns out to be is group humiliation, abuse and torture. The workers, who include overweight Buddy (Walter Olkewicz - 'Fire Walk With Me') and the pushy Chris (b-grade legend Leo Rossi), react in various ways to the forced psychodramas. The only real rebels are the cagey Jack (Christopher Allport - 'To Live And Die in L.A.') and his incredulous wife Lyn (Cindy Pickett - Ferris Bueller's mother). Caught between the seemingly insane methods of their captors, and the mounting peer pressure of their "enlightened" friends, they become increasingly desperate to escape.

This is a compelling and involving look at the more extreme aspects of the corporate and motivational mentality. While I really don't know how much of the movie is actually true, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that it is 100% accurate. 'Brainwash' may be obscure and close to forgotten now, but I recommend it to anyone that can find a copy. A very interesting movie this!
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