Review of Tron

Tron (1982)
Tron as a Christian allegory
30 September 2000
Warning: Spoilers

Tron is a film I enjoyed so much as a child who grew up on the first generation of video games. Now looking back on this film, I see that most people (including myself, until now)completely miss all of the symbolism it presents.

Sark urges the blue programs to "renounce this superstitious and hysterical belief" in the users, knowing that to keep his warriors in line, they must not know the real truth. Recall the scene where RAM asks ROM, "you believe in the users?" The answer is, "Sure. I mean, if I don't have a user, then who wrote me?" Also recall that the blue programs were ridiculed and persecuted for their beliefs, and even forced to fight gladiator (albeit video game) style for their lives.

Flynn represents the Christ figure. He is paradoxically both user and program in the computer world, as Jesus Christ was (according to Christian doctrine) both man and God. Recall the powers he has over other programs (repairing recognizers, saving others from untimely deaths). The MCP and Sark (Caesar and Pontius Pilate?) are only defeated when Flynn voluntarily sacrifices himself by jumping into the core of the MCP. This of course parallels Christ's accepting His own crucifixion to save Mankind. After Tron throws the disc, Flynn's descent reverses and he ascends back in the real world (Christ's resurrection and return to Heaven). Also recall that the whole computer world is freed and literally lights up as soon as the tyrannical MCP and Sark are vanquished. The most important line of the whole film is when Yuri tells Tron, "Flynn saved us! He really did!"

Add this to many, many other obvious and subtle symbols of Christianity (i.e. water/baptism/purification; the I/O tower which Tron uses to communicate with his user/ communication with God through church)and it's hard to see how so many people overlooked the hidden meaning of this movie.

Highly recommended, the dated effects don't bother me one bit. In fact, they even make me nostalgic for the simpler, far more primitive, charming time that was the 80's.

End of line.
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