Superman II (1980)
A Super Sequel
14 June 2003
Before the "Superman" franchise went completely to hell with the third and fourth installments and the spin-off "Supergirl", there was this fitting follow-up. "Superman II" picks up where the original movie left off and brings back most of the original cast (the notable exception is Marlon Brando, whose scenes as Jor-El were cut by the producers to avoid paying him royalties). Since "Superman II" doesn't have to go through all the exposition that the first film had to it is shorter, faster paced, and has more action.

Superman (Christopher Reeve) renounces his powers for the love of Lois Lane (Margot Kidder) after she discovers his secret identity. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman) escapes from prison and joins forces with three Kryptonian criminals (Terence Stamp, Sarah Douglas, and Jack O'Halloran) accidentally freed from the Phantom Zone by the Man of Steel. Superman must somehow regain his abilities when the evil Kryptonians conquer America.

"Superman II" boasts some wonderfully over the top action sequences. It's like a comic book come to life. Because he's so powerful, Superman needs big challenges in order to be an interesting character. It's a stroke of genius to pit Superman against three bad guys who all have his powers, forcing Supes to rely on his brains and courage instead of brawn. The villains are great, particularly Stamp's power hungry General Zod.

But what also makes this film work is the surprisingly touching and bittersweet love story. Superman is torn between his love for one woman and his duty to protect the entire world. His final decision is heartbreaking but understandable. "Superman II" does have some flaws , including numerous plot holes, shameless product placements, and the injection of some silly comedic bits that foreshadow the campy disaster that was "Superman III". Overall, though, it is a fun fantasy film with spirited characters and a witty script.

7 out of 10.
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