This is the worst piece of crap I've ever seen. IT IS VERY FUNNY THOUGH!
20 February 2000
Ok. I rented this movie last night with my friends thinking that it would be a good kung fu movie starring Bruce Lee (that's what it said on the cover). Bruce isn't even in this movie, except for a few clips that were poorly dubbed. There is this one part that shows the life of the young Bruce Lee. It uses some great 1950's jive. My personal favorite was "superstious mumbo jumbo". Oh yeah, I am still wondering why the Chinese people were named Jack, and Sue...

The fight scenes were not just okay.. they were pure cheese. I think they were the inspiration for the Power Rangers. They were totally unrealistic and they made me nausiated trying to follow the close up camera angles that were off center.

My favorite part of the film (there were actually about 6 of them spliced together) came in the first unrelated fight scene flashback when Bruce's great-grandfather dodges arrows from 4 bowmen, picks the arrows up and in one throw kills all 4 bowmen. There are so many outrageously cheesy parts to this film I can't name them all in 1,000 words!!

When watching this movie I have to suggest a few things:

1. See this with at least one or two friends. Seeing it alone is dangerous, and you will probably try to break something.

2. Watch this movie all the way through. My friends and were laughing so hard at some parts we were teary eyed.

3. Don't try to drink anything while seeing the fight scenes, I almost choked during one.

4. Watch the end credits where it says the names of all the people in the movie. Notice were it says "featuring:" and then gives the names of the members of the gang at the end (none of them were actually mentioned during the "film"). My favorite is Ron Harvey as "Jasper Milktoast".

5. When finished with this movie go back to the bad fights scenes and play them in slow motion. Pay careful attention to the guys in the background running around aimlessly. They almost stole the show!

I know this is a long review, but there's so much to be said about it. Even though this movie is probably the worst film I have ever seen, it is one of the funniest. If you want a good laugh and have a few hours to waste, please see this POS movie! It's craptacular!
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