The voting is unanimous
30 August 2001
"Can't Stop the Music" is the definitive "guilty pleasure", a film you love to hate! After Alan Carr hit the stratosphere with "Grease", he was hoping lightning would strike twice. Unfortunately, he missed the mark entirely. He made the mistake of playing it safe and trying to make a "family" musical. If he didn't try to hide the gay theme, and if he would've used some major supporting talent, this might have been a minor classic. Let's be honest, Bruce Jenner is not an actor by any stretch of the imagination, nor was Nancy Walker a film director. Carr should've tried to incorporate some of his "Grease" cast and crew. For example, cast Jeff Conaway (Kinicki) instead of Bruce Jenner. He did go the nostalgic Hollywood route as he did in "Grease" (with Eve Arden and Joan Blondell) by including minor roles for Barbara Rush and June Havoc, who were both a joy to see on film once more. Finally, a golden opportunity was missed at the end of the film when the entire cast is on stage. A classic campy ending would have been to have June Havoc (Gypsy Rose Lee's real life sister) step to the edge of the stage and yell out the gay crowd, "Hello everyone, my name is June! What's yours?!!" I agree that American Movie Classics or VH-1 should show "Can't Stop the Music" just for fun. But it has to be in its original widescreen format, and with full stereo surround sound! What a hoot!
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