Not just blood & guts
19 July 2004
I had seen most of the other Italian cannibal films from the 70s, but somehow hadn't got around to seeing Jungle Holocaust. I thought I had seen it, but I was wrong. I picked up the Shriek Show remastered special edition DVD and was

very pleased. This was as much of an adventure film as a gore fest. In fact it was a pretty decent film. Unlike Cannibal Ferox (which I secretly enjoyed as well), I didn't feel like I needed to take a shower afterwards. Well, ok, I still had to take a shower, but that was just because the leading character was so filthy by the end of the flick.

As usual, if you have a weak stomach and cannot handle animal violence- steer clear of this. While there is a decent adventure story going on, it is accompanied by gut munching, sexual assault, and animal death.

As far as the animal violence is concerned, there is only one scene I can think of where an animal was cruely killed by man. Of course, this goes on in the world as shown here, we just don't see it on the big screen. Somehow I can't see

PETA hiking into these parts of the world.The other shots were basically a big snake strangeling, then eating some sort of small mammal. Not much different

then what happens at the zoo when they feed the snakes- once again, we are

not used to seeing it. My friend throws in live mice to his snake for food- it won't eat it unless it is alive. Sort of like how we don't eat fish that are dead on the beach- we catch live fish that are fresh.
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