Bad. Not even bad-funny. Just bad.
27 December 2001
Rumor has it that Vaughn was misled about what a rotten film this would be. Well, I'm sure it would be convenient for him if that were true, but I suspect he had some idea what he was in for if he read the script. Can't blame that on him, though. This dreadful attempt to catch the extraordinary wave of sf enthusiasm splashed up by Star Wars (a phenomenon that is hard to imagine today, if only because everyone now seems to love science fiction movies) lacks even the so-bad-it's-good charm of Plan 9 or Robot Monster. The saucer models are painfully amateurish, the robot is... well... painfully amateurish, and the dialog really, actually, sounds like the actors were asked to make it up as they went along (and did a painfully amateurish job of it).

This is the kind of film that begs for lampooning in a review, but I'm sort of hoping not enough people have, or will have, seen it to make it worth the effort. So I'll leave the lampoon on the deck and just tell you straight and prosaic: This is a bad movie. You won't like it. It is not entertaining and has no good parts. Do absolutely anything else with your time instead of watching it. Why are you still even reading this? There is nothing you could possibly do to further waste your time than devote another millisecond to anything connected with this movie, including reading more of this review. Go away. Really. Now.
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