Nurse Sherri (1977)
Bad...No Question..It's Adamson
12 October 1999
Yes...this movie is bad. After all, what did you really expect? It was directed by the king of low-budget exploitation films of the 70s....Al Adamson. He was, if you remember, the same cinematic genius that brought us Dracula Vs. Frankenstein, Brain of Blood, and the classic Blazing Stewardesses. Yet, despite all the negative response to this film, I liked it. There is no question at all that it is poorly acted, poorly directed, has poor sets and scenery and terrible special effects. The story is ludicrous about a religious zealot who exacts his revenge on those people that would not let him die naturally. What the film DOES have is heart. The people involved really seem earnest about what they are doing, and it comes across the screen. The film is also a fountain of laughs. a fun time for anyone who likes to see the ridiculous treated like the sublime. If you like bad film-making, then look no further than Nurse Sherri. I promise you will not be disappointed!
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