Minstrel Man (1977 TV Movie)
Extraordinary: A Rare Television Movie
28 July 2000
This is one of those amazing documents that seem to have been created directly by Providence, surely, everything came together here in a sad, funny, joyous, yet tragic film loaded with some of the most wonderful actors, dancers and singers we have ever seen on screens of any size.

We wonder, for example, what in the world happened to the talented Glynn Turman, who stars in this great piece of film art.

The other amazing thing is how this film, this wonderful production, so obviously made by experts in film art could have possibly disappeared. I have looked for it on video for a decade now and thus far have not seen it. Surely there is room also, for greatness in the market place. God knows we have enough junk available everywhere.

This film will bring shame to anyone who ever even had a fleeting thought of prejudice toward another human being because his or her complexion was a different tone. However, it does more than that. It entertains and while doing that, shows us the raw nature of pure courage.
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