An exploitation classic
8 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***SLIGHT SPOILERS*** It's a shame that no one makes (or is allowed to make) a film like "Fight For Your Life" anymore. This may be the most non-politically-correct film I've personally ever seen, as three escaped criminals (the white leader, the hipanic and the asian) shack up at the home of a black preacher, and take him, his kids, wife and mother hostage.

The humiliation that leader puts the family through (especially the father) is so over-the-top that one cannot help but actually laugh, actually making this film absolutely hilarious in many scenes. A few of my faves were the leader making the father dance, with the father first forcing himself to do a few lame shuffle steps only to go dance-crazy across the room when the leader shoots at his feet with his gun; the scene where the family is forced to have a sing-a-long, which backfires on the leader when he sees the family actually enjoying themselves; and virtually every line that Grandma (in a wheelchair no less) spews out, she is easily the movie's most hilarious character. There is one great scene where she verbally tears into the leader, and she informs him when he gets annoyed, "I'm just getting started!" And virtually every line spoken by the leader contains some kind of racial insult (even towards his own partners!) but he delivers them in such fashion that you cannot help but find a perverse humor in it all.

But despite all the hilarity, there are a few scenes many may find a bit disturbing, like holding a gun to a baby's head, the rape of the pretty daughter by the three men (although this really isn't too graphic) and most notably, the killing scene of a little boy getting his head bashed in by a rock by the asian criminal, who seems to really relish causing pain to others and speaks like a psychopath.

Eventually the family gets a chance to get revenge on the criminals, where we see the preacher father actually get all mean and nasty and even use racial insults himself, like "spic" and "honkey" (if you listen closely, you can even hear 'ol Grandma call the asian "slant eyes" earlier in the film). It definitely is an interesting sight seeing the father turn into a revengeful man!

In the end, the criminals "get theirs" but not after they leave a lot of death in their wake.

There is simply no way in hell this film would EVER get made today (except perhaps if the main race roles were switched, these are very PC times we live in of course) but I did read this may actually be released on DVD soon. I'd buy it especially to see it in widescreen and in perfect condition, as opposed to the crappy fourth generation dub I have on VHS. And of course, I'd buy it for laughs. If it does see the light of day on DVD, a few decent extra features would be fantastic.
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