The Devil Must Have Made Them Do It
26 June 2004
Unbelievably bad sequel to the creepy but somewhat overrated horror classic "The Exorcist" is all the more baffling because of the colossal waste of talent involved. "Exorcist" author William Peter Blatty had nothing to do with the story for "Exorcist II" (he would later adapt his sequel novel "Legion" as 1990's "Exorcist III", which, despite studio interference, is a more palatable follow-up). Set four years after the original, "Exorcist II" features a psychologist (Louise Fletcher) probing the repressed memories of Regan (Linda Blair), who had once been possessed by a demon. Regan and the psychologist are sought out by a self-doubting priest (Richard Burton) investigating the death of exorcist Father Merrin (Max von Sydow), and it is discovered that there is still a lingering evil inside Regan.

On paper, "Exorcist II" sounds okay. It has a cast of good actors (Sydow returns in a series of flashbacks, and James Earl Jones and Ned Beatty make brief appearances), music by Enno Morricone, and was directed by John Boorman, but all around this is a low point in the careers of everyone involved. Things quickly go off the rails. Boorman's direction mirrors less the primal terror and moral conflict of his "Deliverance" and more the absurd pretentiousness and unintended humour of his "Zardoz". There are ridiculous plot points involving a mind-reading machine called a "synchronizer", a trip to Africa that mostly takes place on a fake-looking studio set, James Earl Jones wearing a locust costume, and a demonic doppleganger of Regan vamping it up in a negligee. It all builds towards an ending that is confusing, noisy, and anti-climactic.

This is one of those films that makes you ask, "What the hell were they were thinking?". The "Exorcist" franchise has been horribly managed by the studio (as seen with the current status of the prequel in development) and this is one of the worst sequels ever. They should just re-edit and re-title "Exorcist III" and pretend "Exorcist II" never existed.

*1/2 out of ****
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