Cream of Crummy.
20 September 2003
Dull and clumsily cobbled tale more-less rehashes the story of The Mummy, although this time around the Egyptian pharaoh is replaced by a tropical island voodoo doctor(the Caucasian crackers wearing blackface makeup and Foxy Brown afro wigs will have you in *never* had it so good).

So, anyway...this crusty old mummy is resurrected on-board a luxury liner. The reincarnation of his love from ancient times is among the passengers, and yadda, yadda, yadda. Not surprisingly, characters get killed, girls start screaming, and everything you expect will happen does, indeed, happen.

So..."is VOODOO BLACK EXORCIST any good", you ask?

Oh, Hell-to-the-no.

Recommending this film would be as insane as recommending steel wool as a substitute for chewing gum. If, however, you're the type of person who tunes-in to back-seat cinema with any frequency, then you might possibly find it a tolerable slice of beatdown, old-school Eurotrash.

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