The Questor Tapes (1974 TV Movie)
Wish There'd Been a Series
23 June 2004
A fun, light, probably-would-have-been-inexpensive-to-produce-a-series-from-it movie. The eponymous android was, though, perhaps a bit too superior to make it easy to believe viewers would want him. He's Spock-like in his lack of feelings and in his super-brain, but also in his naivete'. It would probably be fair to guess this was all very deliberate, but that's okay. It works pretty well in this film, except for the moments when it drifts into some of those annoying roboticisms that all movie robots must embrace, it seems. For example, he insists on referring to money as "specie." Why? Apparently because he's a robot and they get stubborn about things like that.

This could and should have been a series. In some ways, it would have been what the series-version of "Starman" never reached, because the lead character had the same poignancy and innocence, but added more nobility and a loftier sense of mission. Alas, stories that hearken back to the Tin Man's wish for a heart all seem to have been shelved with the era that produced them, along with the ecology movement, the moon race, and the phrase "thinking machine." I miss two out of three of those, and also movies like this one.
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