"Bee" Movie ZZZZs
28 March 2003
This can justifiably be called a "Bee" movie. But I'll be hard-pressed to find anything else justifiable about it. OK - there are a few boob shots to keep you awake. And well into the film, an ugly union guy delivers all of the film's memorable lines - in rapid succession. But first, the superficial plot: Somehow, a bunch of females (who all wear sunglasses) have bee-like tendancies when it comes to sex; i. e., while tripping the triggers of their mates, they kill them. That's pretty much it. Usually, the queen bee can make whoopie only once; but, we learn at the movie's end that these gals can do it repeatedly because of mutation resulting from radiation. Sounds like distaff Viagra. Much of the flick portrays the various, effortless ways that the male victims are lured and participate without second thought. I should have concluded right there, but, here comes that dialogue: Not one to practice the recommended abstinence, the character declares, "I'm not gonna give up what little pleasure I get from screwin' my ol' lady." (I bet SHE gets even less.) And, "They froze our wages. Let's not let 'em freeze anything else." After "eight guys are dead from ballin'", he wonders what it would be like "cummin' and goin'." The latter is the direction for most viewers. Only the fan of really bad cinema will tolerate this one.
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