Viva Italia?
29 August 2000
Not on the basis of this film, which proves once and for all that Italy is NOT the place for your horror film needs.

In "Il Castello della paura" (or "Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks", as I saw it), Dr. Frankenstein is building a horrible monster out of spare body parts (hmmm...where have I heard that one before?), while Italian men slap their women around, a dwarf runs amok, a caveman rips off the names of TWO horror legends and many scantily-clad (or non-clad) women get their big break in movies.

Sheesh. Give me a big, huge break, PLEASE. Haven't I suffered enough with the B-movie sludge from my youth, that I had to watch this when I was older and knew better? And the "talent"! There are actually names here you'd recognize! Brazzi, Dunn and Purdom had made great things before but, after this stinker, not since.

And, excuse me...BORIS LUGOSI? Whose bright idea was it to take a guy who just plays a grunting caveman and give him the first and last names of two horror greats...and he does basically NOTHING?? The name reminds me of other "actors" like Bermuda Schwartz and Joy Bang...but I'm off the track, where was I?

Oh yeah, this. This is the dumbest, dullest and most lethargic horror movie I've seen (well, since "Hellraiser II") and if the Italian movie industry ever makes any more horror movies, I hope they do us a favor and keep them local.

No stars for this monster mish-mash.
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