Equinox (1970)
A budding director's FX-fest, for fans only
1 November 2002
First, a confession: I just finished writing a review of "Touch of Satan", and I had to find a bit of weirdness I could remember fondly and on a positive note. Then, I remembered "Equinox". I'm not sure what I can add to all the preceding opinions, except that they're right, this is not meant to be taken seriously! If you and your friends ever picked up a Super 8mm movie camera when you were in junior high school and made your own cheapo, FX-laden monster flick you know exactly what I"m taking about. This was a student effort by a group of very enthusiastic FX freaks who got that enthusiasm across to the screen. It's the kind of movie that we used to see late at night, before the days of infomercials, when used car dealers like Cal Worthington paid all the bills so we could revel in great schlock like this. By the way, I actually got to meet the fantasy wordsmith himself, Fritz Leiber, about a year before he died. I wanted to ask him about his experience on the shoot playing the mad professor(he actually sounded amazingly like the actor Joseph Cotten; they dubbed in a different voice for some reason), but I wasn't sure how he'd take it. So I settled for getting his autograph. My copy of "The Mystery of The Japanese Watch" still sits on my shelf...as should Dennis Muren's "Equinox", if and when it ever comes out on DVD.
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