Compromised, but still watchable
31 December 2003
It has been some time since I read the fantastic Tintin books by Herge but I remember enough to know that there are a number of changes in this version from the book so do not expect to see an animated book in front of you. One example, look at the front cover of prisoners of the sun ( image is online at Amazon ), it does not appear in any of the frames - why? Maybe considered too "scarey" for animated visuals yet not for a book read by the very same audience. The music and songs are a pretty dire purile Disney-ish addition, and in the dubbed English version the voices grate. Some of the animation is a mite dodgy but generally good ( using the base artistic talent of Herge how could it not be ), but my fiance who did not know when the "filming" had taken place thought it was computerised it was so good enough and in her view more advanced than other cartoons of its day. As a Tintin fan I would love to see a series of feature length films bringing them to life in a more accurate and sympathetic manner that appealed as much to their adult as the child fanbase rather than the current choices we have - 20 minute or 5 minute truncated serialisations on television or the one or two full film length but compromised variants.
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