My god this film blew my mind when I was 14...
26 April 2001
I cant believe it, after years of searching video stores & scouring tv guides I have stumbled across SOMETHING that know's what I am on about when I mention 'I sailed to tahiti with an all girl crew'. I remember having a dubbed version of this off TV back in the mid 80's or so & I used to watch it repeatedly. The details I remember are sketchy at best. But basically it is a silly little ditty about a chap who makes a bet to sail to tahiti with a crew of (you guessed it) women. The basic appeal of this from memory are the women, for all of you out there who lusted over Batgirl, Catwoman, Genie, Sabrina, Ginger & Maryanne this is the film for y'all. I dont think it has any of them in it but it has a dozen or so 'mod' chicks with groozy hair & bikini's that stumble & futz around on the boat, It's starting to sound like some Russ Myers wet dream but it is all innocent in that sexist 60's fashion & no one get's hurt in the end. Damn I gotta find this sucker on DVD.... Top viewing,, as we say in Australia.. this is an absolute balltearer
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