**Contains Spoilers**
5 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Since so many others have pointed out the bad points of this movie (and lets face it, there are loads), i'll try to pick out some of the better points.

The bad guy is *bad*. Too many films show you someone, and just tell you he's a bad guy without actually showing him doing anything worse than shouting at someone. In this movie, though, the bad guy (J.C) beats women, hits people needlessly, is quite obviously insane, shouts at people and shoots his own men for no real reason. Plus he kills two women, one for no reason other than she's the girlfriend of someone who annoyed him, and the other one because she stood up to him (it was his girlfriend).

In my opinion, Michael Pataki does a good job acting his part. Sure, he's the only real talent in the film, but he's there. He does give quite a strong performance as a completely mad, kill-happy nutcase.

Well.... that's it for the good points, really. The plot is bad, bad, bad. And it doesn't even make sense. For one, Rommel (main good guy) does not let his team use weapons against the guys he knows to be armed and insane enough to use them. What J.C actually does is never made quite clear, either. He seems to be a stunt-guy of some sort, who tours around. But his people follow him like brainwashed zombies, so he could be some sort of motorcycling priest for all we know.

The "Sidehacking" scenes go on for way too long. There is a mainstream sport that is basically "Sidehacking" but with race bikes on tarmac. These are dirt bikes, and it's very, very boring to watch. And there's plenty of it.

All in all, a pretty bad film, but still an interesting watch, especially with friends (so you can laugh).
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