Pointless and boring
15 July 2000
Another triumph for MST3K (how do they manage to FIND these lousy movies?), as they make succotash of this lame-brained spy flick. The main character, Adam Chance, smirks and swaggers throughout with what is supposed to be dangerous charm. Considering his age (and the bots point out several times that he must be wearing a girdle) the result is painfully embarrassing, especially when two nubile cuties keep falling into his arms - ugh! The storyline is disjointed and confusing; and Russian scientist who has defected seems always to be in deadly peril, but he manages to escape the villains by - not being home when they come to call. Wow, those secret agents sure do earn their paycheck, don't they? The villains are unbelievably obvious, especially the "boss", who telegraphs his anti-democratic bona fides by mincing around effetely, smoking a cigarette in a long holder, and making his telephone calls on an antique candlestick phone! How unAmerican can you get?

In the end, the story just sort of peters out. The scientist has created an antidote against a deadly flesh-eating disease, but when he tries to use it on himself, the antidote doesn't work and he dies. The excuses for this failure are meandering and lame - maybe the change of pressure when he was brought to the hospital in a plane affected the antidote, maybe there never was an antidote...who knows? So the whole secret agent mission was a complete failure, and the world is still at risk. Thank goodness this never became a series, with the viewers watching the free world being failed by its most fearsome line of defence every week.
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