Helium Heads!
23 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
**May Contain Spoilers**

A beautiful female alien shrinks scientists and takes them back to her home planet. Between abductions we're treated to bizarre experiments, four-armed mutants, insane victims crammed into a cell, and severed body parts. The villains wear costumes that would have been rejected by the makers of RADAR MEN FROM THE MOON. The heroes brandish so-called laser guns that look like miniature flamethrowers and only work from a distance of two feet; I've seen foolish kids do better with Bic lighters and aerosol cans. With all this going on, WILD, WILD PLANET is still a crashing bore due to drab sets, indifferent direction and lifeless acting by Todd Russell and Franco Nero. Looking at this it's hard to believe that Margheriti also directed the shock-packed CANNIBAL APOCALYPSE and, some claim, the Andy Warhol horrors. The characters in this flick insult each other with such epithets as "helium-headed idiot." Not a bad label for everyone involved with this movie.
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