Aliens THAT Have a Point to Make!
26 January 2003
Okay, I could go over a lot of old terrain by telling you about the hokey script, the generally poor acting, and the sophmoric humour laced throughout this picture, and then I could tell you how bad the film was because of said qualities. I could( and did) but will not. Invasion of the Saucer Man is a silly picture that is too silly for its own good. Nonetheless it has some things going for it. The saucer men are incredible creatures. They have huge bulbous eyes on these giant vein-covered egg-shaped heads. Their hands, also covered with veins and the like, can make needles appear readily. Apparently they kill by flooding their victims with alcohol - but only those that have had a drink before die? If that is the case why does Gorshin's character die so early and the bull doesn't at all? Oh well! I digress. The costumes are plainly and simply exquisite and have had a major effect on our cultural visual definition of what "Little, green men" look like. Tim Burton uses them as a model for his silly film Mars Attacks. The film also touches on the way governments hide things from the public. This was a small aspect of the film, yet it was very interesting as a Colonel bulldozes evidence of aliens in the middle of the night to hide information from the public - the same public being terrorized all the while by the aliens he is trying to hide. At one point the colonel address his Lt. and says how wonderful it is being one of only two men that know what is going on. The street savvy Lt. then suggests that there are other such task forces cleaning up other things and possibly even after men such as the colonel. An interesting discussion. Discussions of this nature and great costumes; however, cannot save this picture from its teen against the establishment persona. Lover's Lane is full every night, teens drink heavily, and anyone over their thirties just doesn't understand anything. If I had been a teen when this film came out I would have felt I was being played down too with all its hokey, choking elements. So - my review is a middle of the road one. It's an interesting film for some reasons. One good performance comes from movie veteran Raymond Hatton as a crusty old farmer. He does a fine job with the material he is given.
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