Great horror film
22 January 2002
Fascinating film of an evil preacher Harry Powell (Robert Mitchum) who is after two children, John and Pearl (Billy Chapin and Sally Jane Bruce) who have a large amount of money that he wants. They run and fall in with kind Rachel Cooper (Lillian Gish). But is she enough to stop Harry?

A definite one-of-a-kind film. Charles Laughton directed this film (his only time as a director) and it was a huge bomb in 1955. It's easy to see why--this film was years ahead of its time and some of it is downright horrifying. The scenes of Mitchum after the kids are truly scary. It looks incredible (courtesy of cinematographer Stanley Cortez), has some truly bizarre (but fun) dialogue and is never dull.

Mitchum is just perfect as the preacher--you see the hatred and evil right below his calm surface--when he loses control it's not pretty. Chapin and Bruce are good as the children--supposedly Laughton couldn't stand the kids and let Mitchum direct them--turned out very well. Gish is just superb as Mrs. Cooper--strong and loving.

Basically this is a combo horror movie and fairy tale---as I've said some of it is horrific--othertimes it's breath-takingingly beautiful. This is one of the few times I've watched a film grinning because I'm enjoying the dialogue and images so much. A definite must-see!

Also a new print with restored sound and picture is playing at revival cinemas--try and catch it.
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