Deputy Droopy (1955)
Time-honored and well-tested conceit.
10 November 2002
Tex Avery used a plot device here that he used in several cartoons: A character or characters want to avoid being heard by another character. Another character does their level best to cause them to disturb the character, setting the stage for his much-beloved sight gags fired rapidly at the audience. Cartoons are an artform and animated shorts have differing limitations and requirements from longer works. Conventions, plot devices and gimmicks have been developed over the years. Tex Avery developed and/or refined many of these over the years and is, in my view, the most seminal creative force in the history of the animated short. He was an extraordinary artist. This is a funny, engaging, delightful short with a hysterical ending and one of his better efforts. Well worth watching. Recommended.
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