Absolutly Thrilling!
16 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Apart from Reach for the Sky, The Purple Plain is the best war film i've seen- particually as I thoroughly enjoy the British war films, and Lyndon Brook is my favourite actor!

A Canadian RAF pilot, Squadron Leader Forrester (Gregory Peck), flying Mosquito Fighter/Bombers in Burma, 1945 is flying with his new navigator, Carrington (Lyndon Brook), and his tent mate, Blore (Maurice Denham- presumably his previous navigator, or adjutant, one of the engines of the aeroplane catch fire, and they crash land in Jap territory. On jumping out, Carrington, gets badly burnt on his right leg, and is therefore flat on his back for the rest of the film. They have little water, and alot of pills...

Soon after crashing, Forrester & Blore rig up a stretcher for Carrington with a parachute harness & such, so that they can travel to the river, which will then be in their territory, but must get through tretchorous territory. I'm not sure how long after they started out with Carrington on the stretcher, but Blore then falls down a small cliff type thing, and breaks his collarbone. After getting some rest, Blore goes out to try and get more water for them to carry on. On the way, Blore, who is delerious with thirst and the heat (which is naturally intense in Burma) shoots himself.

Forrester & Carrington must carry on on their own- but now Forrester must carry Carrington- as he is still unable to walk. Sometime later, they get picked up, just in time, as Forrester finds himself delerious as well, but when he hears the river, which he managed to reach, after leaving Carrington lying down in the shade, they both get picked up by the RAF just in time! They both survive, which is great news!

The anticipation of this film, and the excitement had me shaking the whole time- which my brother wasn't to happy about- but I couldn't control it- its to good-a film!

I would deffinatly reccomend this film to anyone, particularly WWII aviation fans, WWII fans, people in need of inspiration- but for inspiration, your best bet is to watch Reach for the Sky- true story of Douglas Bader- the legless WWII fighter Pilot ace. Anyone will be rooted to their seats watching this film- it is one of those war brilliant British war films that grab you- unlike the stupid films of today, and alot of the Yankee films- full of swearing & such- of which NONE of the old British war films had! So, do go and seek this out if you haven't seen it- its a must!
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